Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What a Spring, what a rollar coaster!

The temp is finally warm enough to melt last night's snow - yep, snow.  It's not unusual for us to get a killing frost mid to late May but snow is unusual.  The wind has been blowing fiercely for days and it makes me out of sorts.  Being outside is difficult and we have chicks who need to be protected, but the wind has always made me feel cranky.

All but one of the six turkey chicks mama brought down from the woods are doing well. Mama was so distressed for so long after we took them from her that my husband gave her a chick back.  She promptly took it out in the woods and, within a day, came back without it.  At least she's stopped crying, and we had another turkey chick unexpectedly hatch in the incubator.

We also had five chicken eggs hatch and  the chicks seemed to be doing fine in a brooder that is in our living room. We were watching them just because new babies are so cute.  Suddenly, three of them died with 10 minutes of each other.  That's a new one for us.  The other two survived the night and the more time that passes, the more we can feel that they'll do fine.  I'm usually pretty matter of fact about life and death on the farm but these babies are playing on my emotions.

Maybe it's the wind.  My dad passed four months ago and I've also had him on my mind for a couple of days.  It's amazing how many short old handsome gray haired European men look like he did as I "see him" a lot around town.  I miss him.

I'm going to stay out of the wind and try to do some spring cleaning.  Maybe a little organization and vacuuming will restore order to my mind and the farm.

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