The ice is slowly melting as we've had three days of temperatures above freezing. Our dogs, Bonnie and Lacey, came back from their morning run with muddy feet and brown noses. That means the underground critters are starting to stir from their winter sleep! While I can't see the sun, today is very bright.
This is a picture of our studly Bourbon Red tom displaying to attract the hens. He's a teenager and still figuring out what's what. Isn't he handsome? The turkey hens have started to lay the occasional egg. While poultry eggs are available in the grocery store year round, egg laying is a seasonal activity triggered by day length and hormones. Chickens and turkeys stop laying as the days shorten and they molt. New feathers come in over the winter and the break in egg laying allows their bodies to recharge. They use their energy to stay warm instead of producing eggs. As the day lengthens, they begin egg laying for reproduction which is, after all, the whole reason for birds to lay eggs.
Bourbon Red turkeys are a heritage breed originally bred for meat. To be classified as "heritage", the birds must naturally mate, be slow growing, and long lived. These birds are very curious, friendly birds who like to see what we're doing. The hens are very good mothers with a strong sense of "the flock". They fly, roost in trees at night, watch for danger on the roof top, and have distinct calls.
We're looking forward to hatching little chicks when the weather warms up a bit. The only thing cuter than day old chicks is our little grandsons getting excited as they're holding day old chicks!
A fine looking young tom! When you look at the big picture you can see his little beard. It's so cute!